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Week 1 update

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1Week 1 update Empty Week 1 update 2nd December 2011, 10:14 pm



Thanks for joining the franchise once again and yes i will follow through with 20 dollar gift cards maybe more to superbowl winners..now u must all sign up for the site along with league manager i now put a forum post with link on homepage check it out...also roster update i will allow for first year 58 man roster next year we go to 55 next season that it....Advance will be sunday night if not earlier since it first week i need all u to post ya contact info and if you trying to join search madden united pw is 209 so go get it thanks Also one more thing i see alot of people askking about a chat well if u go on our homepage we do have a chat in fact much cleaner then the xan chat u go to chat box and near their is a log in click it and your in chat ...thanks

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