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Franchise Start up Schedule

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1Franchise Start up Schedule Empty Franchise Start up Schedule 28th November 2011, 6:28 pm



good news im off all week and have time to get this rolling i want to start the season by wed. we are going with salary cap this year makes it so much better and easier on me. We are going through League Manager and i will have link to sign up on bottom here. Its really easy compared to xfn this year. Therefore since we going cap there is free agent bidding. U may start the bidding now until thursday morning in which i will close it out and give them to the highest bidder. Our first adv should b on saturday if not earlier. We going to go through no matter how many owners we have. Im still going to be recruiting though. So for now On its mandatory u sign up on league manager to sign any free agents and for the first wave of them we bid. Rememebr to sign your own players that are on contract years. Thanks and lets get this rolling. Bottom here is how to get into league manager under my league. If have any problems feel free to text me 209 349 2860 or hit me on here via message or here. Thanks

Invite URL: http://myleaguemanager.net/apps/acceptInvite.cfm?lid=LG3273_&uid=5893&lname=Madden United
leagueManager League ID: LG3273_

2Franchise Start up Schedule Empty Re: Franchise Start up Schedule 28th November 2011, 6:28 pm



and yall already know league pw is 209 remmeber no signing free agents u must bid it will close thursday morning

3Franchise Start up Schedule Empty Re: Franchise Start up Schedule 30th November 2011, 4:00 pm



Dang Ridah, this site looks sick.

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