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Madden 12 Sign ups ready now read though and poll

To have a Salary cap or other options?

Madden 12 Sign ups ready now read though and poll Vote_lcap33%Madden 12 Sign ups ready now read though and poll Vote_rcap 33% [ 1 ]
Madden 12 Sign ups ready now read though and poll Vote_lcap67%Madden 12 Sign ups ready now read though and poll Vote_rcap 67% [ 2 ]
Total Votes : 3

Poll closed

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Madden 12 sign up are finally up after waiting for a dam update for online franchise i dont think they are going to release one therefore carson palmer will not be coming into the game. Other then that its good to go i did move some key players done in trades to their right teams....So today is the official sign ups. i also have a poll eveyrone who join need to vote on to have a salary cap or to do the usual have a free agent draft each year . Thank you once again. Ps i would do xfn but to pay 7bucks a month with a cap seems lil steep

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