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Team owners/ Availiable

12 posters

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1Team owners/ Availiable Empty Team owners/ Availiable 2nd October 2011, 8:23 pm



Arizona Cardinals -

Atlanta Falcons - lostfrequency

Baltimore Ravens - Im-winning-28

Buffalo Bills -

Carolina Panthers - dimi4x

Chicago Bears - rockne35

Cincinnati Bengals - angryhotdogs

Cleveland Browns

Dallas Cowboys - ohsoorange

Denver Broncos - alexelway

Detroit Lions - Fresnokid209

Green Bay Packers - medinasthename

Houston Texans - tbegs

Indianapolis Colts -

Jacksonville Jaguars - Jagsfan706

Kansas City Chiefs - randomghost11

Miami Dolphins -

Minnesota Vikings- dtothemac

New England Patriots - griffey24yeye

New Orleans Saints - fhpt317

New York Giants - lhellman91

New York Jets - Klazzikk

Oakland Raiders - Bad_MArtin82

Philadelphia Eagles - Jnappy82

Pittsburgh Steelers - jmb_56

San Diego Chargers - bmore89

San Francisco 49ers - Ridah209

Seattle Seahawks - wherejago

St. Louis Rams

Tampa Bay Buccaneers - hogie1knobee

Tennessee Titans - xyung_cutex

Washington Redskins - qbizzle


Last edited by Ridah209 on 2nd December 2011, 9:57 pm; edited 12 times in total

2Team owners/ Availiable Empty ohsoorange 5th November 2011, 10:55 pm


ohsoorange will take the packers as long as the cowboys are taken

3Team owners/ Availiable Empty Re: Team owners/ Availiable 6th November 2011, 12:20 am


id perfer the packers... but if they are takin id like the saints psn is MedinasTheName

4Team owners/ Availiable Empty Re: Team owners/ Availiable 6th November 2011, 1:17 am



MedinasTheName wrote:id perfer the packers... but if they are takin id like the saints psn is MedinasTheName
cool u got packers

5Team owners/ Availiable Empty Bears 6th November 2011, 6:29 pm


yo ridah id like the Bears

6Team owners/ Availiable Empty texans 6th November 2011, 10:21 pm


I would like texans... tbegs

yes to cap and free agent draft

7Team owners/ Availiable Empty Re: Team owners/ Availiable 7th November 2011, 2:49 pm


Ill take the bears since im ferocious like a bear... dimi4x. Im 5 time 5 time superbowl champion, can you dig it! SUCKAA!!!! Mad

8Team owners/ Availiable Empty Re: Team owners/ Availiable 8th November 2011, 12:21 pm


i would like houston if possible.....otherwise saints,chargers,pit in that order

9Team owners/ Availiable Empty Re: Team owners/ Availiable 17th November 2011, 8:56 pm



dimi u need pick new team lol u see doo before u got bears

10Team owners/ Availiable Empty Re: Team owners/ Availiable 30th November 2011, 3:10 pm


i will take the broncos

11Team owners/ Availiable Empty Re: Team owners/ Availiable 30th November 2011, 3:29 pm


nvm i got chiefs

12Team owners/ Availiable Empty Re: Team owners/ Availiable 30th November 2011, 7:10 pm


1st Choice- New Orleans Saints
2nd Choice- Minnesota Vikings

PSN- XvThe_DisciplevX

13Team owners/ Availiable Empty Re: Team owners/ Availiable 30th November 2011, 7:18 pm


I'll take the Giants!!

14Team owners/ Availiable Empty im klazzikk from 30th November 2011, 11:34 pm


Hi I'll take the saints. if not them the Pats, then the jets. thanks!

15Team owners/ Availiable Empty Re: Team owners/ Availiable 1st December 2011, 4:25 pm



search madden united pw is 209 dont sign any free agents we bid on league manager which u must sign up in the franchise news section

16Team owners/ Availiable Empty Re: Team owners/ Availiable 2nd December 2011, 5:14 pm


I guess i switch it up and go Minnesota

17Team owners/ Availiable Empty Re: Team owners/ Availiable 2nd December 2011, 9:58 pm



update sorry woody viking been taken since yesterday morning ill send u invite for if u want other teams

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